Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a peptide hormone produced in the pituitary gland of the brain. It is normally present in the blood or urine varying in concentration with the stage of the menstrual cycle. When estrogen levels drop, FSH is released from the pituitary gland indicating that either a woman in mid-menstrual cycle or the onset of perimenopause. During early menopause, changes take place in the balance of hormones that regulate and control menstrual cycles. As a woman grows older and passes out of childbearing stage of life, the ovaries gradually make less of the hormone estrogen and FSH increases. FSH normally regulates the growth and development of an egg. Once this part of the monthly cycle is complete, FSH production is stopped and it returns to normal. As the body decreases estrogen production with age, more FSH is made. Over time these hormone changes cause menstrual periods to stop completely and "menopause" has occurred. The slow change in ovary function can happen between 2 and 10 years before the final period. This early stage before menopause is called perimenopause. During this stage, the levels of FSH may rise to positive levels and slowly return to normal, causing irregular or missed periods. The testing for FSH should be performed twice to help identify the levels of FSH throughout a menstrual cycle.
SPECIMENS COLLECTION AND STORAGE1. The urine specimens must be collected in a clean dry container either plastic or glass without preservatives. No centrifugation or filtration of urine is required. Specimens collected at any time may be used.
2. The urine specimens can be stored at, if not tested immediately, 2-8 °C for up to 3 days after collection.
PRECAUTION1. For in vitro diagnostic use only.
2. Do not use after expiration date.
3. Test device should remain sealed until ready for use. Do not use if pouch is damaged or opened.
4. Read this instruction carefully before performing the test.
5. Do not re-use the test device.
6. Do not eat the desiccant in the pouch.
ASSAY PROCEDURE1. Collect urine specimen with a clean dry container either plastic or class.
2. Remove the test strip from pouch by tearing.
3. Dip the strip in the urine sample in 3-6 seconds. Make sure that the urine level is below “Max” line.
4. As soon as solvent front reached the membrane area place the strip on a clean surface.
5. Wait for 10 minutes to read result. Do not try to interpret results after 20 minutes.